Private Wealth Solutions Global Private Infrastructure Fund

A Core Private Markets Portfolio Through a Single Allocation

The Hamilton Lane Global Private Infrastructure Fund (HLGPI) is a total return strategy, targeting both capital appreciation and income, while providing exposure to a diversified, global portfolio of infrastructure assets through direct equity and secondary transactions.  

The Fund seeks to offer uncorrelated, risk-adjusted returns and downside protection via a single allocation to a globally diversified portfolio of infrastructure assets and leverages Hamilton Lane's $956.1B private market platform.1

Important Risk Information 

Shares are speculative and illiquid securities involve substantial risk of loss. Shares are not listed on any securities exchange and it is not anticipated that a secondary market for Shares will develop. Shares are subject to substantial restrictions on transferability and resale and may not be transferred or resold except as permitted. Although the Fund offers limited liquidity through the option to request periodic redemptions, such requests may be limited or denied in accordance with the terms of the Fund’s private placement memorandum (PPM). Shares are not exchangeable for shares of any other fund. As a result, an investor may not be able to sell or otherwise liquidate Shares. Shares are appropriate only for those investors who can tolerate a high degree of risk and do not require a liquid investment and for whom an investment in the Fund does not constitute a complete investment program. The Board, in consultation with the Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM), may invoke alternative dealing procedures for subscriptions and/or redemptions if it determines it is in the interest of the Fund and its shareholders given the current market conditions or redemption requests may be gated pursuant to the terms of the Fund’s PPM.

Unique deal flow and investments

The Fund leverages Hamilton Lane’s $72B2 infrastructure platform across 150 global infrastructure relationships giving access to high quality transactions and information advantages. 

Potential to achieve attractive returns

The Fund pursues a transactions-oriented, total-return strategy targeting both capital appreciation and income, paired with relatively low levels of volatility, and seeks attractive risk-adjusted returns. 

Flexible fund structure

The Fund gives individual investors access to Hamilton Lane’s infrastructure platform via a single allocation with limited monthly liquidity.

This fund is appropriate for investors with “Very High” risk and return profiles. A suitable investor for this fund is prepared to accept high risk in the pursuit of capital growth with a medium to long investment timeframe. Investors should refer to the TMD for further information. 

The Hamilton Lane Evergreen Advantage

Hamilton Lane is a leading private markets investment management firm providing innovative solutions to sophisticated investors around the world. Dedicated exclusively to private markets investing for 34 years, our $9B Evergreen platform3 drives unique and differentiated investment deal flow and access to best-in-class general partners. The scale of our platform, combined with our investment and portfolio management expertise, enables us to construct diversified portfolios for our investors. 

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How can Hamilton Lane help you achieve your investment objectives?

We play a vital role in helping companies realize their growth potential. We seek to uncover and unlock value by identifying companies with untapped potential and work to enhance their performance.
  • 34 years of expertise
  • Clients have access to the same investment teams that work with the largest institutions in the world
  • Diversify your daily liquidity holdings with a vehicle that employs longer-term leverage to enable potential additional yield
  • Investment opportunity for potential short-term returns

Monthly Fund Performance


Share Class MTD YTD
Distributing - AUD 1.09% 1.09%
Accumulating - AUD 1.09% 1.09%

*This should not be viewed as a guarantee of future investor returns. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Performance figures quoted are calculated using exit prices net of fees and assuming reinvestment of distributions. No reduction is made to the unit price (or performance) to allow for tax you may pay as an investor. Performance figures are based on past performance and are not a reliable indicator of future performance. Any tables, graphs or charts relating to past performance included in this presentation are intended only to illustrate the performance of the indices, composites, specific accounts or funds referred to for the historical periods shown. 

Target Portfolio Construction

Single allocation exposure to a diverse private assets portfolio.

  • Western Europe and North America represent over 70% of deal volume
  • Hamilton Lane has on-the-ground investment expertise in North America, Western Europe, and Asia providing  global sourcing and diligence expertise and local knowledge
  • Core Plus and Value Add strategies targeting largely middle market opportunities complements exposures in most investors’ portfolios and may provide consistent income
  • The Fund's portfolio has attractive characteristics, including: durable cash flows provided by contracted assets, high barriers to entry demonstrated by strong pricing power, and limited exposure to price risk
  • The Fund  targets direct equity positions in infrastructure assets and companies and secondary interests in high-quality infrastructure funds
  • The infrastructure secondary market continues to grow and is expected to eclipse $25B in transaction volume in the next three years5  

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Relationship Team

James Martin
Head of Global Client Solutions
Scott Thomas
Head of Private Wealth Solutions, Australia
Lauren Williamson
Vice President, Client Solutions
Philip Joseph
Vice President, Client Solutions

For general enquiries, please reach out to our Sydney office at +61 2 9293 7950 or

For information about your investment in the Fund, such as statements, confirmations, applications, redemptions, transfer requests, please reach out to our Fund Administrator Apex Fund Services Ltd at 1300 133 451 or

Research Ratings 

Zenith Recommended

Zenith believes that the Fund (or Product) has a high probability of meeting its stated investment objectives. In a relative context, the Fund (or Product) scores highly across most of Zenith’s key areas of assessment.

The Zenith Investment Partners (ABN 27 103 132 672, AFS Licence 226872) (“Zenith”) rating (PIM0972AU assigned December 2024) referred to in this piece is limited to “General Advice” (s766B Corporations Act 2001) for Wholesale clients only. This advice has been prepared without taking into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any individual, including target markets of financial products, where applicable, and is subject to change at any time without prior notice. It is not a specific recommendation to purchase, sell or hold the relevant product(s). Investors should seek independent financial advice before making an investment decision and should consider the appropriateness of this advice in light of their own objectives, financial situation and needs. Investors should obtain a copy of, and consider the PDS or offer document before making any decision and refer to the full Zenith Product Assessment available on the Zenith website. Past performance is not an indication of future performance. Zenith usually charges the product issuer, fund manager or related party to conduct Product Assessments. Full details regarding Zenith’s methodology, ratings definitions and regulatory compliance are available on our Product Assessments and at Fund Research Regulatory Guidelines

This website has been prepared by Hamilton Lane Advisors, L.L.C and issued by The Trust Company (RE Services) Limited ABN 45 003 278 831, AFSL 235150 (TTC(RES)L) as responsible entity and the issuer of units in the Hamilton Lane Global Private Infrastructure Fund (AUD) ARSN 679 667 762 (the Fund). It is general information only and is not intended to provide you with financial advice, and has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider the product disclosure statement (PDS), prior to making any investment decisions. The PDS and target market determination (TMD) can be obtained for free by calling 02 9293 7950 or visiting our website If you require financial advice that takes into account your personal objectives, financial situation or needs, you should consult your licensed or authorised financial adviser. This information is only as current as the date indicated, and may be superseded by subsequent market events or for other reasons. To the extent permitted by law, no liability is accepted for any loss or damage as a result of any reliance on this information. All investments contain risk and may lose value. 

No company in the Perpetual Group (Perpetual Limited ABN 86 000 431 827 and its subsidiaries) guarantees the performance of any fund or the return of an investor’s capital. No company in the Perpetual Group (Perpetual Limited ABN 86 000 431 827 and its subsidiaries) gives any representation or warranty as to the reliability or accuracy of the information contained in this website. 

Total returns shown for the Hamilton Lane Global Private Infrastructure Fund (AUD) ARSN 679 667 762 (the Fund) have been calculated using exit prices after taking into account all ongoing fees and assuming reinvestment of distributions. No allowance has been made for taxation. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. 

Platform Availability

Global Private Infrastructure Fund is available on the following platforms.

• AUSMAQ / Clearstream

• Netwealth

• Powerwrap

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1Inclusive of $134.9B in discretionary assets under management and $821.2B in non-discretionary assets under management, as of 12/31/2024.

2As of June 30, 2024. AUM and AUS equal assets under management for active accounts. AUM is equal to market value plus unfunded. AUM calculation does not include authorized to invest amounts (ANI). ANI can only be attributed to commingled fund-of-funds and separate accounts and cannot be attributed to underlying investments.

3A transaction that delivers on value propositions of generating stable and predictable cash flows through essential high barrier-to-entry assets. While intense competition for traditional, stabilized infrastructure assets has pushed core plus and value add managers into new ‘infrastructure-like’ and ‘infrastructure-adjacent’ sectors, we remain disciplined in selecting assets with traditional infrastructure characteristics - downside protection, contracted cash flows with recurring revenues and diversified and credit-rated counterparties.


5Data from 2023.

6Data published in IOF II, GPI and PIF books.