Private Wealth Solutions

Offering Australian private wealth investors access to the private markets.

Are you looking for private wealth solutions that can help you diversify your portfolio and access the potential of private markets? At Hamilton Lane we have over 34 years of experience in private markets, managing more than $956.1B* in assets across various sectors and regions. Through direct investments in private companies and strong alliances with reputable global general partners, we offer fund structures that are tailored to your needs and preferences.

New to private market investing? Our Guide to the Private Markets will give you an overview of the benefits and challenges of alternative investing, as well as the best practices and strategies to succeed in this asset class.

*Inclusive of $134.9B in discretionary assets under management and $821.2B in non-discretionary assets under management, as of 12/31/2024.

A Guide to the Private Markets

Choose a fund to view materials:

Global Private Assets Fund (GPA)

GPA is designed to provide investors with access to a diversified, institutional-quality private markets portfolio.
Learn More

Global Private Infrastructure Fund (HLGPI)​

HLGPI is a total return strategy, targeting both capital appreciation and income, while providing exposure to a diversified, global portfolio of infrastructure assets through direct equity and secondary transactions.
Learn More

Senior Credit Opportunities Fund (SCOPE)​

SCOPE is an all-weather senior private credit evergreen vehicle intended for investors seeking potential safety and yield.
Learn More

Looking to learn more about private markets?

We believe that private funds will make up a significant portion of the high-net-worth portfolio in the next 20 years. With increased access comes an increased need to understand private markets. We are here to be your resource.
  • Explore private markets basics
  • Access our Guide to Private Markets
  • Discover real world examples of private markets
  • Familiarize yourself with private market terminology

Relationship Team

James Martin
Head of Global Client Solutions
Scott Thomas
Head of Private Wealth Solutions, Australia
Lauren Williamson
Vice President, Client Solutions
Philip Joseph
Vice President, Client Solutions

For general enquiries, please reach out to our Sydney office at +61 2 9293 7950 or For information about your investment in the Fund, such as statements, confirmations, applications, redemptions, transfer requests, please reach out to our Fund Administrator Apex Fund Services Ltd at +61 3 9020 3000 or

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*Investment in the Hamilton Lane Global Private Asset Fund (AUD), Hamilton Lane Senior Credit Opportunities Fund (SCOPE) or the Hamilton Lane Global Private Infrastructure Fund (HLGPI) is offered only to persons receiving the Product Disclosure Statement (electronically or in hard copy) within Australia and New Zealand. Units in the Fund may not be offered or sold within the US, or sold to, or for the account or benefit of, any ‘US Persons’ (defined in Regulation S of the US Securities Act 1933, as amended).

This is general information only and is not intended to provide you with financial advice and has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. The Trust Company (RE Services) Limited ABN 45 003 278 831, AFSL 235150 (TTC(RES)L) is the Responsible Entity and issuer of units in the Hamilton Lane Senior Credit Opportunities Fund (AUD) ARSN 661 336 385, the Hamilton Lane Global Private Assets Fund (AUD) ARSN 631 635 393 and the Hamilton Lane Global Private Infrastructure Fund (AUD) ARSN 679 766 762 (the Funds). Prior to making a decision about whether to acquire, hold or dispose of units in the Fund you should consider the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and target market determination (TMD) for the Fund to see if it is right for you. The Fund’s PDS and TMD is available at